A woman entering her home gets the cutest surprise when her cats pops out of a basket and then smiles. This video represents an epic game of peek-a-boo with an adorable cat and the loving cat mom...
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A woman entering her home gets the cutest surprise when her cats pops out of a basket and then smiles. This video represents an epic game of peek-a-boo with an adorable cat and the loving cat mom...
All aboard the cat caboose! A spider monkey is spotted hitching a ride on a cat. The black and white cat appears to be totally unphased by the literal monkey on his back. Likewise, the tiny spider...
Will Powers, a physician from Farmington Hills, Michigan has two Guinness World Record holder cats: one for being the tallest and the other for having the longest tail on record. And Will has a...
A man rescued a stranded cat that was terrified by the rising waters and storm surge that accompanied Hurricane Ian. The cat was left sitting on top of an air conditioning unit outside of someone's...
Most cat people know cat behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy, right? I wanted to share his recent video on things you should NOT do to cats because I don't think it's often said enough. One reason why you...
Revised Jan 2019 and Jan 2024 I want to take a moment to thank Alley Cat Allies for contributing this guest blog post. As many of you know, they are a leading voice in the U.S. to help end pet...
Cats are helping companies sell more product Editorial Purrspective Have you noticed lately that cats are being added to commercials and other advertisements? Marketers are taking advantage of the...
This tiny kitten needs a good stretch! Cuteness overload!
Looking for excitement to add to your Caturday? Searching for a TV show for you and your cat to enjoy together? Cat Hospital, the new cat soap opera is full of exciting drama, love affairs and...
Does your cat have the power to persuade you? Did you know cats know how to put you in deep hypnosis? Watch this hilarious video where a kitty massages a dog's head while hypnotizing him. The kitty...
This is an all-time favorite. Two sweet cats are seeming to have a regular conversation in the two talking cats video. Watch it and laugh. It never gets old....
Today, 3.14.15 is Pi Day, it is the date that is equal to the number Pi, or π. The number Pi (π) is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter and is equal to 3.14159265358979323846......
Looking for excitement to add to your Caturday? Searching for a TV show for you and your cat to...
Does your cat have the power to persuade you? Did you know cats know how to put you in deep...
This is an all-time favorite. Two sweet cats are seeming to have a regular conversation in the...
Today, 3.14.15 is Pi Day, it is the date that is equal to the number Pi, or π. The number Pi (π)...