Cat Care Tips Articles

Cat Care Tips

Surprising Foods You Need to Keep Away from Your Cat

Cats are curious creatures by nature, and this inquisitive disposition often extends to their diet. However, as pet parents, it is incumbent upon us to be vigilant about what goes into their feeding bowls. Keeping them away from potentially harmful foods is not just...

Deadline Looms For Big Cats Owners To Register Or Be In Violation Of The Law

In a remarkable transformation, what was once an expanse of vast enclosures housing over 200 tigers has now dwindled down to a mere 39. And for Howard Baskin, that is precisely the outcome he had hoped for. "It was an enormous amount of work," Baskin reflected,...

How a Catio Can Help Prevent Common Cat Health Issues

Whether you're a seasoned cat owner or a first-time feline friend, you understand the struggle of keeping your cat healthy, happy, and entertained. Often, indoor cats become victims of various health problems due to a lack of stimulation and exercise. This is where a...

What is a pet trust and how do I set one up?

As a pet parent, you want to make sure your furry friend is taken care of if something happens to you. One way to do this is to set up a pet trust. It is a legal arrangement that provides for the care of your pet if you become unable to do so yourself. Another way is...