Cat Behavior Articles

How Cats Alleviate Loneliness

How Cats Alleviate Loneliness

The global pandemic has brought loneliness into sharp focus, shedding light on a long-standing struggle for many. Lockdowns and social distancing have unveiled the emotional toll, underscoring the importance of companionship. In these isolated times, pets, particularly cats, have emerged as silent champions, providing much-needed solace and companionship.

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New Study Suggests Cats and Dogs Experience Feelings Like Humans

New Study Suggests Cats and Dogs Experience Feelings Like Humans

A new scientific paper published in October by scientists at Harvard and Texas State University suggests that mammals, like cats and dogs, can experience pleasant or unpleasant feelings associated with the mental representation of an experience or object – this is known as “hedonic valence.” Hedonic valence is a psychological term commonly used for the human experience of how a person interprets feelings – either positive or negative.

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Cat Behavior

Study Finds Cats Respond To Owner’s “Baby Talk”

A study conducted by Charlotte de Mouzon, ethologist at the Cognition and Development Ethology Laboratory (University of Nanterre), found that cats are receptive to what their masters say, especially if they use a more childish tone. Study Construct The study observed...

Woman Says Contractor Sealed Her Cat In Bathroom Wall

A woman on TikTok shared that her cat had been sealed into a bathroom wall by a contractor she hired to renovate her bathroom. She had the work completed while she was away on a business trip. The TikTok account @ashlinhadden posted a video of the hole she punched...

An Unlikely Friendship Between A Cat And A Chicken

Nature has created natural friends and foes. And speaking of friends and foes, cats and chickens probably fall into the "foes" category since cats, given the opportunity, would consider the chicken tasty. However, a video of an unlikely friendship went viral showing...

Why does my cat groom itself excessively?

Does your cat lick itself constantly? Does your cat have patches of fur missing or hair loss? If so, your cat might be grooming excessively. Here we’ll discuss how to spot signs of excessive grooming, what might be causing your cat to over groom itself and how to stop...