Cat Behavior Articles

Cat Behavior

NY Attorney and His Traveling Cats

Dan Nguyen is a New York based attorney and videographer who has been capturing footage of his cats' adventures around the world on TikTok. The fluffy felines are named Spongecake, Donut and Mocha! Dan started training them to travel after they showed signs that said...

Why Do Cats Rub Their Heads On Things

Do you have a cat? If so, chances are you've seen him or her rubbing their face on things. It may seem like a strange behavior, but it turns out there is a scientific explanation behind it. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why cats rub their face on things...

10 Most Common Cat Behaviors

Do you ever wonder what your cat is trying to tell you when it engages in certain behaviors? Wonder no more! Here are the 10 most common cat behaviors and what they mean. Some are simply cute expressions of love, while others may be signs that your cat is feeling sick...

Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside The Litter Box

When your cat stops using the litter box, it can be really frustrating. Peeing outside of the litter box or elsewhere in your home is usually due to one of two issues: a medical issue or a behavioral issue. The first step is to take your cat to your veterinarian for a...
Why Do Cats Knead?

Why Do Cats Knead?

The Basics of How and Why Cats Make Biscuits Ever wonder why cats knead? “Kneading” which is also...