Cat Behavior Articles

Cat Behavior

7 Things NOT To Do To Your Cat

Most cat people know cat behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy, right? I wanted to share his recent video on things you should NOT do to cats because I don't think it's often said enough. One reason why you rarely see my own cats on my blog over the last 10 years is because I...

Cat Saves Owner From Heart Attack By Jumping On Her Chest

Sam Felstead was having a heart attack in her sleep when her 7-year-old cat, Billy, woke her up by relentlessly jumping on her chest and meowing. Feline behaviorist Lucy Hoile believes that Felstead's physiological changes, like her sweating, making noises, or moving...

Why Do Cats Lick You And Then Bite You?

Have you ever been curious about why cats will lick and then bite you? It's a strange behavior, and one that doesn't seem to make much sense. Is your cat trying to tell you something? Are they angry with you? Or are they just plain crazy? My cat, Princess Amazing, is...

Study Finds Pets May Influence Human Behavior

We've all heard the stereotypes that dog owners are more outgoing than cat owners. Well, some new research may indicate that there could be some truth to the stereotype! Overall, the research found that: Dog owners tend to take bigger risks and respond more to...