An administrative hearing is being held tomorrow, April 25, 2016, almost exactly one year after Kristen Lindsey posted a gruesome photo of herself on Facebook bragging about killing the cat.
The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME) initiated a formal complaint with the intent of revoking Lindsey’s license to practice veterinary medicine. Tomorrow, a hearing will be held to rule on the TBVME’s complaint. The hearing is scheduled from 9am, Monday, April 25, 2016 through Wednesday, April 27, 2016 and will take place at the State Office of Administrative Hearings, W.P. Clements Building, 300 W. 15th St., 4th Floor, Austin, Texas 78701.
We hope to meet daily with the staff attorney of Alley Cat Allies (ACA) who has been on this case and testified early on. We stand together with ACA in hoping that justice will finally be served.
For those who are just hearing about this story, you can read more about it in a post about Kristen Lindsey from the same time last year.
For a link to all of the petitions, read the Open Letter to District Attorney Travis Koehn, written in May 2015. This post contains links to all of the petitions that you can sign to show your support.
*Note: Cat pictured is not Tiger, the cat that was allegedly killed by Kristen Lindsey in April 2015.