Meet Kizzy! Her owner, Pam, from the U.K. sent me a picture of her the other day (we get a lot of pictures of cats over here – and we love all of them!!) Pam mentioned that Kizzy is her 27 year old tortoise shell cat who is hoping to celebrate 28 years in September! Pam recalls adopting Kizzy when she was just 8 weeks old.
After hearing about the sad death last year of Nutmeg, the oldest living cat in the world at 32 years – also from the U.K. – it made me wonder “What are they feeding their cats over there!?” So I asked.
“Whiskas and Biscuits,” Pam responded quite plainly.
We had to break out the kitty calculator to figure out how old Kizzy is in human years – and it turns out she’s 124 years old.
We wish Pam and Kizzy many more happy and healthy years together!